The SEC’s proposed rule on climate-related risks includes amendments to both the financial reporting requirements (Reg S-X) and the narrative disclosure requirements (Reg S-K). The proposal interlinks the new requirements, drawing aspects of the required narrative disclosures into the financial statement. The proposed changes are complex and detailed. The preamble to the proposal offers interpretive guidance, but the proposed regulatory language itself merits close study apart from the preamble. What follows is a précis of the key proposed requirements, with hyperlinks to the actual language as found in the pre-publication copy of the proposal.
Part 210 – Regulation S-X (audited financial statements)
In Brief – Changes to Reg S-X The Proposed Rule adds a new Article 14 solely for climate-related disclosure. Proposed 210.14-01 – Climate-related metrics must be reported as a note to the financial statements Proposed 210.14-02 – Climate-related metrics include:
Details – Changes to Part 210
210.14-01 – Climate-related disclosure instructions
Must include the metrics of 210.14-02 as a note to the financial statements
Climate disclosure must cover same span of years (historical) as otherwise being reported
210.14-02 – Climate-related metrics
Provide contextual information, including for each metric: how derived, significant inputs, and significant assumptions, and any policy decisions made to calculate the metrics
Disclose financial impacts of severe weather events and other natural conditions
when added to transition activities item, disclosure threshold is 1% of the aggregate line item
separately aggregate positive and negative impacts
covers changes to revenues, impairment charges; changes in loss contingencies or reserves; change in insured losses
Disclose financial impacts related to transition activities
when added to severe weather impact, disclosure threshold is 1% of the aggregate line item
financial impact of efforts to reduce GHG emissions or otherwise mitigate exposure to transition risks
separately aggregate positive and negative impacts
covers, e.g., changes in revenue/cost from new emissions pricing or from regulations that result in loss of sales contract; changes in cash flow resulting from changes in upstream costs such as transportation of raw materials; changes in carrying amount of assets because of changed useful life or salvage value; changes in interest expense driven by financing instruments that increase the interest rate if you miss climate-related targets
Disclose expenditures to mitigate risk of severe weather and natural conditions
when added to transition mitigation expenditures, disclosure threshold is 1% of the aggregate line item
separately aggregate what is expensed and what is capitalized
covers expenditures to increase asset resilience, retire assets, shorten asset life, relocate assets, etc.
Disclose expenditures related to transition activities
when added to expenditures for severe weather mitigation, disclosure threshold is 1% of the aggregate line item
separately aggregate what is expensed and what is capitalized
covers expenditures to reduce GHG emissions like R&D, purchases of GHG-mitigating assets, increased energy efficiency, offset emissions, increased resource efficiency
covers expenditures toward announced GHG emission reduction targets and other climate-related commitments
Disclose financial estimates/assumptions affected by severe weather and natural conditions
Disclose financial estimate/assumptions affected by transition activities
Disclose impact of climate-related risks identified under (revised) Reg S-K
for any physical or transition risks that the registrant identifies per 229.1502(a), disclose the impact on any of the metrics noted above
May disclose impact of climate-related opportunities
Part 229 – Regulation S-K
In Brief – Changes to Reg S-KThe Proposed Rule adds a new Subpart 229.1500 solely for climate-related disclosure. 229.1500 – Definitions
229.1501 – Governance
229.1502 – Strategy, business model, and outlook
229.1503 – Risk management
229.1504 – GHG emissions metrics 229.1505 – Attestation of emissions 229.1506 – GHG targets and goals |
Details – New Subpart 229.1500
229.1500 – Definitions
Adds many new definitions, including inter alia Climate-related risks (physical and transition), Emission factor, Internal carbon price, Scenario analysis, Scopes 1,2, and 3, Transition plan, and Value chain
229.1501 – Governance
229.1502 – Strategy, business model, and outlook
Describe any climate-related risks reasonably likely to have a material impact on the registrant over short, medium or long term
separate discussion of physical risks and transition risk
for physical risk, special disclosure requirements if there are flooding risks or assets in areas of high water stress
for transition risk, it says categorically: “A registrant that has significant operations in a jurisdiction that has made a GHG emissions reduction commitment may be exposed to transition risks related to the implementation of the commitment.” (p. 483)
Describe the impact of these climate-related risks on business operations, products, services, suppliers, mitigation efforts, R&D, etc.
Discuss whether and how these material impacts are considered in the registrant’s business strategy, financial planning, and capital allocation
include current and forward-looking discussion
include how any Article 14 metrics and any targets in 229.1506 relate to business strategy or mode
include discussion of offsets and RECs
discuss whether and how these material climate-related risks have affected or are reasonably likely to affect the consolidated financial statements
if registrant maintains an internal carbon price, disclose it and its derivation, rationale, and use
describe resilience of business strategy in light of potential future changes in climate-related risks
229.1503 – Risk management
Describe processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks [no materiality qualifier]
how it determines relative significance of climate-related risks compared to other risks
how it considers existing or likely “regulatory requirements or policies”
how it considers shifts in customer or counterparty preferences, technology changes, and market price changes in relation to transition risks
how it determines materiality of climate-related risks
how it decides whether to mitigate, accept or adapt
how it prioritizes whether to address climate-related risks
how it selects mitigation
disclose whether/how these processes are integrated into overall risk management
if registrant adopted a transition plan, describe it and annually update its disclosure of actions taken to achieve the plan’s targets or goals
229.1504 – GHG emissions metrics
Disclose GHG emissions as defined
Disclose Scope 1 and 2
Disclose Scope 3 if material or if registrant has set a Scope 3 target/goal
identify the categories of upstream and downstream activities included
if any category is significant, separately disclose for it
describe the data sources (actual data, studies, statistics, industry associations, etc.)
Disclose GHG intensity per revenue and per production
Describe the methodology, significant inputs and significant assumptions used to calculate GHG emissions
can use reasonable estimates for fourth quarter if data is not reasonably available, but must justify and promptly update
can use ranges for Scope 3, but must justify
must disclose source of any third-party data and how it was obtained
must disclose any method changes from prior year
must disclose any data gaps, including discussion of proxy data or alternative method
must include in Scope 3 any outsourced activities previously done in-house in the years being reported on
Liability for Scope 3 emission disclosures: a statement is deemed not fraudulent unless shown to have been made or reaffirmed without a reasonable basis or was disclosed other than in good faith
229.1505 – Attestation of Scope 1 and 2 emissions disclosure
Large or accelerated filers must provide attestation
covers Scope 1 and 2
first three years: a limited assurance level
fourth year: reasonable assurance level
use public, free reference standard by an organization that used due process (public input)
Attestation provider must meet all of a list of characteristics, including expertise and independence
Attestation report has minimum elements, including the criteria for evaluation, level of assurance, etc.
Specific requirements for voluntary attestations where none is required
229.1506 – Targets and goals
Disclose any targets or goals related to the reduction of GHG emissions or any other climate-related target or goal
examples include energy usage, water usage, conservation, ecosystem restoration, or revenues from low-carbon products
Disclose as applicable the duration, scope, baseline, interim goals, whether offsets//RECs are relied on, etc.
ALSO: The SEC also proposes to change standard disclosure forms in order to include the new disclosure requirements.
© 2022 Bracewell LLPNational Law Review, Volume XII, Number 102