What Is Advertising Nowadays?

Imagine the peacocks and flowers of the world. Colors, sounds, and performances convey to the rest of the species that you are a suitable mate. Plant seeds and pollen are spread around by other animals only if they can draw attention. Humans instinctually understand and respond to advertising. It is […]

Advertising on Mobile – Advantages and Steps

Advertisers and media industry have finally recognized the huge potential of advertising on mobile, with most mobile marketing campaigns yielding significant business opportunities and results. The inexpensive nature of mobiles has given it a huge reach, even in developing countries. Effective Steps for Advertising on Mobile Advertising on mobile, a […]

The Key To Smart Branding

I know that for some new entrepreneurs, ‘branding’ can be a scary word. The ‘big guys’ spend millions on their branding efforts, so how can you possibly compete? In a word – consistency. You compete with consistency in your branding. I promise – a strong focused brand will attract the […]

Inspiration Ethics – The Price of Authenticity

Reliable — Noun undisputed believability the high-quality or affliction of being reliable, honest, or real worthy of belief, reliance or belief. Ever listened to these phrases? They all refer to authenticity. Walk the talk. Enable your sure be indeed and your no be no. Be serious. Act on the bravery […]

Women As EMTs and Paramedics

The recent economic downturn and increased unemployment has forced many people to look ‘out of the box’ for employment, especially for women. The typical standby restaurant and retail jobs, as well as others, have greatly diminished and affected workers have begun to assess where the next generation of secure employment […]

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