CPP Versus CPA in Advertising

When website owners are looking for a proven to work strategy to get relevant visitors to their sites, they usually face the question; should they use CPP or CPA advertising methods? Indeed, the growth of CPA marketing companies show that that type of traffic and lead generation does pay off […]

Planning an Business Trip

For Business Owners, a business trip can be a valuable tool and tax deduction. Typically however, the business owner gets to tax time and finds out there is a big tax liability due. Then the wheels start turning. “What other deductions have I missed? Oh yes, the family vacation!” Thoughts […]

ERP Consulting – New Horizons

Every new economy recovery and boom brings new type of business paradigm. It is true about economy in general as well as every market niche. General economic development should be left over to the economists and philosophers to review. Here we will try to draw the trends as we see […]

The Power Of Hotel Branding – Brand Equity

The consumer’s awareness and associations lead to perceived quality, inferred attributes, and eventually brand loyalty. This perspective is labelled as customer-based brand equity. A strong brand provides a series of benefits to a service firm, such as greater customer loyalty and higher resiliency to endure crisis situations, higher profit margins, […]

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